Have you been frustrated dealing with ugly thick fungal toenails for many years?
Have you seen many doctors and tried a ton of different home remedies, but still nothing has helped?
Are you embarrassed to show your nails in public, unable to wear sandals during summer, or used nail polish to cover the thick yellow ugly nails over the years?
Well, we have a solution for you!
For over 30 years in practice, we have been asking that very question… How do you get rid of fungal toenails all naturally and holistically?
And it wasn’t until now that we have created a 6-month fungal toenail transformation program to solve this very issue!

Kim Foot doctors use laser treatments to kill, treat, and help cure fungal nails.
Here is how…
- First we take a biopsy of the nail to determine the exact name of the fungus so we can target your exact condition.
- Then every month over the course of a 6 month time period we will debride your nails as thin as possible, sterilize them, and use a laser to kill the fungus.
- Then you will receive a daily routine to kill the fungus at home which includes a diet that eliminates fungus and nutritional coaching to help guide you over the 6 months.
- You will also receive a list of recommended supplements that not only kill the fungus but nourish the brand-new nails that will soon be growing so you can have perfect-looking nails soon!
- On top of that, you will also receive 6 hyperbaric oxygen treatments at my wellness center valued at $100 each. These treatments are important because they push oxygen to the smallest capillaries throughout your body, helping to sterilize your toenail area, and eliminating infection, resulting in the growth of a healthy new nail!
- Kim Foot doctors use laser treatments to kill, treat, and
If this program sounds perfect to you, please fill out the form so we can send you a voucher for a free consultation. Help is on its way, and we can’t wait to meet you in our office at Kim Holistic Foot & Ankle Center!